How to Grow & Care for 'Stargazer' Oriental Lily - The Spruce
They will grow best in fertile well-drained soil. Choose a spot either in full sun or partial shade for your Stargazer Lilies. Pin On Gardening The Great Outdoors To grow Stargazer lilies in containers you will need a pot about 7 17 cm in diameter. . Jun 30 2017 - Stargazer lilies are a popular oriental lily hybrid with large beautiful flowers and a potent spicy aroma. Plant them in groups of three or five bulbs for an attractive layout. Care for stargazer lilies by planting them in groups of three about three inches deep and cutting them down to the ground after they finish blooming. Amending the soil annually with bark compost or mulch will help to boost its nutrient content and improve its drainage. Lily bulbs can be planted either in the spring or fall and should be placed 46 inches deep and about 68 inches apart. Jul 4 2020 - Stargazer lilies are a popular oriental lily hybrid with large beautiful flowers and a potent...